Half a year ago we published AMDs Embeded Roadmap at scratch-productions.de and it raised quite some interesst. Today AMD did send us the latest Embedded Roadmap, which we gladly present here today.
I am fairly happy to see that AMD still plans to update its Geode LW CPU with DDR2 Memory, SATA and an SPI interface. I am espechially happy to see that it should become available in 2Q2009.
I have to admit that i was hoping to find an Embedded Chipset containing the E4690 GPU in it, but since we still wait to see industrial Mainboards using the 780E chipset, like IEIs Kino-780AM2 (should become available in 3Q2009) it makes sense to hold that grafic core back for OEM projects.
In the Dec 2008 Roadmap AMD promised a low power consumption upgrade on the Geode LX as well, and it seems like the promise has materialised in form of the new Geode LX600 CPU. While the clock is realitvly low (366MHz) the TDP got better (2,9Watt) just as well as the average power consumption (0.7Watt). I would not want to run Windows XP on it with a user in front of it, but it seems like a good way to use XP drivers and programing tools even for more embedded applications.
But most part of this new Roadmap is regarding the heavy-metall empedded Opteron CPUs with an update of „eShanghai“ becoming available. But enoug talking, lets get to the point:
Nice to see updates to the AMD Geode LX line. However was hoping to see AMD improve the performance of the Geode LX, matching Intel’s Atom.